SUSTAIN #4: Would electrifying everything eliminate carbon emissions?

Inventor Saul Griffith has a radical proposal: electrify everything, saving energy, money, and cutting emissions almost to zero. It simultaneouisly transforms the costs of climate change into enormous opportunities. Co-host Sally Dominguez explores three amazing new battery technologies.

A must-read companion to SUSTAIN:

Saul Griffith’s forthcoming book ELECTRIFY is, well, an electrifying read that makes the clear, and obvious case that electrifying everything (coupled with renewable generation) is the win-win solution for the planet and our economy. Pre-order it here.

Sally Dominguez loves sodium-ion batteries, and here’s a report about why they may come to rival the dominant Lithium-ion batteries we use today…

Sally and I both love ‘structural batteries’ – they’ll allow us to store electricity pretty much everywhere, in pretty much everything. Read about them here.

Episode 4.08 – What’s the secret to building a better world?

Do we have surrender our hopes for utopia, or can we learn from others who found the levers to move our world to a better place? Together, are we strong enough to use these tools to change our course?

Deputy Lord Mayor Jess Scully’s new book Glimpses of Utopia: Real Ideas for a Fairer World covers far more ground then we could in our interview – it’s well worth a read!

We were also lucky to hear from Dr. Darren Sharp of the Sustainable Development Institute at Monash University.

Episode 1.03: Cities of Sharing with Darren Sharp

Today, the majority of humanity lives in cities – yet we tend to be unaware of most of the resources and opportunities cities offer to their residents. ‘Sharing Cities’ expert Darren Sharp describes how ‘stuff, skills and spaces’ form the necessary inventory for any sharing city – and how that inventor can supercharge the lives of the residents in a sharing city. The cities to live in over the next billion seconds are the cities of sharing.

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