Banks are not like other businesses. Starting them, funding them and running them – it’s all quite different from your run of the mill software-as-a-service technology startup. In a live event at Stone & Chalk Sydney, co-hosts Andrew Davis & Mark Pesce talk to four neobank founders about what it takes to launch a neobank – and succeed.

Our amazing panelists are:

Dominic Pym, co-founder UP Banking;
Rob Bell, CEO of 86 400;
Simon Costello, co-founder of Frankie Financial;
Alex Twigg, CIO of Judo Bank.

Big thanks to the Stone & Chalk team for making this happen!

Episode 3.14 Day of Rest with Tiffany Shlain

Digital devices have come to rule our lives – could a 3000 year-old practice help us tame them? Tiffany Shlain reminds us that a look to the old could help us manage the new.

Tiffany’s marvelous and wise book:
24/6: The Power of Unplugging One Day a Week

Visiting with Tiffany Shlain in her San Francisco offices…

Episode 3.13 Gods & Monsters with Aaron Z. Lewis

We see superheroes on cinema screens –  but what about our technological superpowers? Naming these new powers helps to understand them, and the amazing Aaron Z. Lewis has given us a pantheon of seven ‘new gods‘ – that we seem to believe in. Now that we know the shape of these new ‘gods’, does that mean we’re not as beholden to them?

This was all sparked by Aaron’s original essay “Metaphors We Believe By: The pantheon of 2019” – it’s a great read, find it here.

Episode 3.12 Questions for a new Machine Age with Matthew Beard

We conclude series three learning the ‘right’ questions – ones to keep front of mind as the world becomes increasingly intelligent – and hides the intent of its designers.

Matt wrote an incredible report, “Ethics by Design: Principles for Good Technology” – full of the questions we should ask every time we use an app or website. Have a read here – it’s very readable!