AI WARTECH – Has technology turned to the dark side?

For the last five years I’ve been a regular guest on RNZ’s Nine to Noon. This week, host Kathryn Ryan and I discussed the pivot in big tech – away from consumers, and toward the defense sector.

(Originally broadcast on Radio New Zealand’s Nine to Noon on 13 February 2025)

Last week Google amended its ethical AI policies to allow their AI tools to be used in weapons – to preserve ‘national security’. They’re among the last to embrace a new market for their products – defense and weapons. Is this a new thing? Or is tech simply returning to its roots as a service industry for the military-industrial complex? Is this why the US and UK refused to sign an international AI declaration this week?  Plus – why does leading AI company Anthropic insist job applicants write their submissions – without the help of AI?

The Next Billion Cars – 2024 in Review (part 2)

In this final year in review episode, Sally Dominguez, Drew Smith and Mark Pesce address the big, smelly elephant in the room: The change of government – and direction – over in the United States of America. Could massive tariffs plus ‘drill, baby, drill’ together land a knockout punch on the US EV industry? Plus – predictions for 2025. We’re bringing the year to a thrilling close on this episode of THE NEXT BILLION CARS.

The Next Billion Cars – 2024 in review (part 1)

Whenever Mark, Sal and Drew get together, sparks will fly. So much has happened since our visit to CES 2024, we reckoned it time to draw all the year’s threads together: Are we pulling back from EVs? Will China dominate manufacturing? And what about all that data vehicles are collecting? It’s been full on – enough to require a bit of a ‘group hug’. Part one of two.

The Next Billion Cars – The $100,000,000,000 Lie

In 2016, Tesla CEO Elon Musk instructed his team of engineers to ‘hard code’ the first demo of what would become ‘Full Self Driving’. A faked video drove panic across the entire automotive sector, leading to massive (and mostly failed) investments in technologies for autonomy.

The Next Billion Cars – Are the Next Billion Cars manufactured in China?

In just three years, China has overtaken Japan, Germany and the United States to become the largest exporter of vehicles. Terrified governments look to tariffs to protect legacy automakers – but what’s the future for any manufacturer that wants to compete against China? Drew Smith and Mark Pesce confront this sudden shift – and chart a path forward.

Series 2024 – Episode 5: Humans in the loop – or will we all soon be AI-unemployed?

Next Billion Seconds host Mark Pesce had a nice gig writing for COSMOS Magazine – until he got replaced by an AI. In a live conversation with MIT Technology Review CEO and Publisher Elizabeth Bramson-Boudreau – recorded at SxSW Sydney – they explore the automation of creative endeavours – highlighting the significance of ‘humans in the loop’ – and shine a light on how ‘generative’ AI has already shaped the future of work.

Series 2024 – Episode 3: CHIPS AND CHAINS

The semiconductor sector has seen more upheaval over the last 3 years than in the previous 30, fueled by the rise of AI. Nvidia now rivals Microsoft for most valuable company on the planet, while Intel – which started the Microprocessor revolution over 50 years ago – seems to be losing ground, in a downward spiral into complete collapse. What does this mean for our devices – and for the geopolitical balance between the US and China?


The pandemic permanently broke the link between work and place. In the aftermath we’ve rejiggered everything connected to work-life balance – in favour of life. This means we’ve stumbled into a new reality: the ‘four-day week’ is a reality for most office workers – even if no one wants to name it. How did this happen? Have a listen and find out.

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